
Showing posts with the label airfoil


  A SHORT GUIDE TO WINGLETS A winglet. Have you ever wondered, while sitting in a plane, what those things on the tips of plane wings are? You might have noticed that they are not present in every plane. Well, you have come to the right blog for this! They are called Winglets . To understand the use of winglets, we have to first see how a plane produces lift. The shape of the cross section of a plane wing is called an Aerofoil . The structure of a basic aerofoil A basic aerofoil is shaped in such a way that it is curved on the top and pretty much flat on the bottom. Let’s imagine an aerofoil moving through the air. The air on the bottom flows past.   Now, to cover the length of the chord of the aerofoil in the same time as the air blowing under the aerofoil, the air on top needs to flow much faster. This causes a lower-pressure region over the aerofoil and a higher-pressure region below the aerofoil. This causes an upward force to act on the wing, called lift ...